In our world today, screens can take the centerpiece in our lives. Many jobs and schools require the use of screens throughout the day. When not working or doing school, free time can be filled up with social media, shopping and connecting with friends, also through screen time. Do you stop and think how many hours you spend in front of a screen? Do you make conscious effort to put your technology away and enjoy other activities? Setting a limit to screen time can help you connect better to the world around you and improve your overall well-being. Here are some tips to help you reduce your screen time today:
- Set boundaries with your screen time. Consider how many hours you are in front of a screen and set aside specific time to be without screens.
- Don’t eat your meals in front of the television and put phones away.
- Connect with your friends and family in person, whenever possible.
- Grab a book, magazine or newspaper and read, instead of on a screen.
- Spent time outdoors with nature. Go for a walk or sit outside and get some fresh air.
- Spend time working on a hobby.
- Turn off notifications and alerts on your phone so you are not distracted by them as
- Play a sport or engage in physical activity.
- Consider taking regular breaks when you are using screen time.