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Back-To-School Nutrition Tips

Back-to-school can be a busy time of the year for many people. Back-to-school means adjusting to new schedules and balancing homework, studying, meeting new people, organizing your life and more. Entering a new school season can shift our focus from a balanced healthy lifestyle. It is easy to forget about our health and nutrition, or put it on the back burner. Here are 5 tips to consider in keeping up with nutrition during the school year:

  1. Meal prep. Planning ahead for your meals can make adjusting to a new school schedule easier to manage. Do not rely on last minute preparations. You can also save time in the morning by preparing your food the day before. On your free days, grocery shop and prepare your meals for the week.
  2. Eat breakfast every day. Start your day off right and consume a healthy breakfast. It will make you feel good and prepared for your day.
  3. Fit in an after school snack. If you or your child had a small lunch or not enough time to eat adequately, a snack can be a great bridge to make it until dinner.
  4. Drink plenty of water. It is beneficial to your health to stay hydrated throughout your day. Bring a water bottle with you to school.
  5. Eat balance meals. Make sure the meals you are preparing and consuming are balanced. Meaning, fruits, vegetables, healthy whole grains and lean protein. Consult with your healthcare provider or nutritionist about any dietary concerns.

Source: https://www.childrens.com/health-wellness/back-to-school-nutrition-tips

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