In honor of American Heart Month this February, here are a few tips to keeping a healthy heart. Having a healthy heart can involve a variety of elements over the course of one’s life. Before beginning any changes with your health, be sure to check with your healthcare provider on what the best prevention is for you. However, there are many easy activities you can complete everyday to help your heart health. Some of them you may already be doing! Tip # 1. Make lots of walking a part of your everyday. Tip # 2. Reduce your stress regularly. Be mindful of what stress you are feeling and take action to reduce or eliminate it. Tip # 3. Take time to stretch each day. Tip # 4. Check in with your healthcare provider as recommended. Ask about areas of your health that impact your heart, such as your blood pressure. Tip # 5. Watch a comedy or enjoy a good laugh with friends and family. Tip # 6. Look out for your salt and your fat intake. Tip # 7. Focus on eating a healthy breakfast each day. Tip # 8. Stop smoking completely. Following any of these tips can help to promote a healthy heart. Some can be easier to accomplish than others, but taking it one day and one small step at a time can lead you to success. Help spread a healthy heart by sharing one or all of these tips with your friends and family today! For more information on heart healthy tips and for the source, click here: