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Thanksgiving and the holiday season are here!  While we focus on the holiday preparations of food, decorations, shopping, cleaning, etc., we should also get ready for the time we spend with family and/or friends.  Whether you are spending Thanksgiving with the same group of people you always do, or are celebrating with someone new, it […]
As we learned last week, balance is a combination of physical strength in our muscles and joints as well as our eyes and ears, all working together to help us stay upright.  Whether you are recovering from an injury or looking to become steadier on your feet, there are daily activities you can do to […]
Thanksgiving is a holiday that many people celebrate with family, food, football, parades, traveling and charitable giving.  Thanksgiving first began as a harvest festival and later became a national holiday of giving thanks to God.  Still holding to that tradition is practicing giving thanks for what one has.  Around many Thanksgiving tables, it is tradition […]
 What is our balance system? Balance comes from the physical strength of our muscles and joints as well as in our eyes and ears.  Physically speaking, balance is our weight that is evenly proportioned in our body and helps support us to be steady and upright.  The human body is complex, especially when it comes […]
Think about how boring life would be if each person was the same. That would mean that then all relationships would be the same too. Thankfully, all relationships are different because they are composed of individuals who are unique. Relationships can be between friends, a spouse, a family member, a significant other, a coworker, a […]
Whether you are looking to make changes in your personal or your professional/educational life, change can be hard.  People react differently to change, but often it can be difficult because there is a fear of the new thing happening or simply a formed habit to lose.  For others, it can be the adjustment and the […]
Staying Engaged Whether you are a student or an employee, many people find that staying engaged in their work is challenging.  This lack of engagement can be because of disinterest, boredom, lack of motivation, burn out, lack of learning, lack of growth and for many more reasons.  In fact, it is reported that close to […]
What is patient rapport?  Rapport is something between people that shows a close or harmonious relationship and can include an understanding of feelings, ideas, communication and more.  Patient rapport is this relationship between the healthcare provider and the patient.  Rapport can be something that takes time to build and is something that you can work […]
In adults over 65, one in four people experience a fall.  Falling can be very harmful for adults and can lead to more health complications such as broken bones or head injuries. However, falling is not a normal part of aging.  Therefore, it is important to consider some of the risk factors that can lead […]
In our current healthcare world, most patient information is stored in computer systems and accessed through various technology outlets.  Technology has allowed patient care to improve in the areas of provider communication, quality of patient care, efficiency, education and more.  Patient safety is also an area of patient care that has greatly improved with technology.  […]
Tuesday October 15, 2019: National Pharmacy Technician Day! Help us celebrate all the Pharma Techs out there by showing support and appreciation for all the work they do.  If you are one of them, we thank you for the work you do to ensure our pharmacies are kept safe, organized and run efficiently.  Not to […]
A warm handoff can be an important part of your patient care routine.  It is important to the patient, the previous healthcare provider and the current healthcare provider so that the best possible care can be given.  A warm handoff can reduce the risk of important patient needs slipping through the cracks.  If you are […]

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