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National Eye Exam Month

The month of August is a great time to schedule your eye exam if you have not had one this year.  Either before school starts, or at the beginning of the schoolyear, an eye exam allows you to have a successful year.  However, regular eye exams at all ages are recommended to monitor your vision health.  Whether you wear corrective eye wear, have an eye condition or perhaps have no problems at all, consistently checking your eye health by an eyecare professional is the only way to prevent and treat vision problems.  Managing your eye health is an essential part of managing your overall health.  Eye exams can check for vision accuracy, eye movement and alignment and for certain health conditions such as diabetes.  The Center for Disease Control and Prevention reports that over 60 million adults in the United States are at a high risk for vision loss and only half of those individuals have seen an eye care professional in the last year.  Vision problems can be difficult to detect because some conditions show no signs or symptoms or can go unnoticed by the individual.  Also, many eye health conditions occur later in life, but early detection is necessary for taking preventative measures.  You can help protect your vision and the vision of those you care for, by having regular eye exams.  Help spread the reminder to your family, friends and coworkers about getting an eye exam this month!
For more information about eye exams and national eye exam month, check out the sources below:

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