Whether you are starting school again or have children starting school, or maybe both, now is the time to start preparing. This year it can be challenging to know how best to prepare, as school may look different than in previous years. Maybe you are starting online school for the first time or have a modified in-person learning schedule. Regardless the situation, back to school preparation can be the same. Here are a few tips to help you prepare and be the most successful in your return or start to school this fall:
- Become oriented with your school. Whether online or in person, be sure to know where you are starting. If online, have all your necessary websites and tools saved for easy access and tested to make sure you can access them. If in person, try to locate a map to plan out where you are going.
- Create a schedule. You probably are aware of what classes you are taking and when they will occur. It can be helpful to create a schedule that includes your classes and activities in between, such as lunch, commute time, break time, homework time, etc.
- Start off on the right foot. Focus on getting a good night sleep, eating a healthy breakfast and drinking plenty of water. These tips will help you stay energized and focused on your schoolwork throughout the entire day.
- Prepare as much as possible. Find out what supplies you need, if any, and have them organized for easy access. Don’t wait until the last minute or day of to figure out what you need and to locate them. Organize yourself according to your school schedule.