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The month of May is dedicated to promoting the health and fitness of employees across our world.  What does health and fitness mean to you?  To some it can mean playing sports or exercising. To others it could include the food you eat and the lifestyle you live.  Simply put, the goal of this month […]
Whether you actively think about it or recognize it, we all have creativity in us.  Creativity varies from person to person, but the theme runs consistent within us.  Creativity is using our imaginations and turning them into actionable ideas.  We can be creative in many different areas of our life.  Creativity can flow through our […]
After a long day, or week, or maybe a stressful event, finding time to relax is essential.  Relaxing allows your body and mind to have a break.  It gives yourself a change of pace from your normal routine.  Relaxing is important to help relieve built-up stress that you may or may not know you have. […]
Have you ever had a conversation with someone and without them saying anything you could sense the mood they were in?  Or maybe you made an assumption about this person based on how they were presenting?  Our body language can say a lot for us, without us even opening our mouth.  Things like our eyes, […]
As students and employees, emails are can be an important part of our workflow.  Emails are a fast and easy way to communicate with other people.  Often, we overlook our emails or take them less seriously because they are so routine.  Here are a few pointers to make sure your emails portray your professionalism: Use […]
Whether your meetings occur in person, over the phone or on an online chat, the same rules of meeting etiquette apply. Meeting etiquette is important because it reflects who you are and the work you are doing. If you are representing an employer or a group of people, or even just yourself, you are the […]
A good night’s sleep is important to maintaining overall health.  But what exactly is sleep health and how do you know your sleep is adequate?  Sleep health consists of the hours of sleep and hours awake and how this pattern impacts our overall well-being.  Without having sufficient sleep health, many areas of our life can […]
The balance between work/school and other life roles can be unique to each person. We all have demands coming from areas of work, family, school, friends, extracurricular activities and even from ourselves. How do you balance them all? Do you feel your work-life balance is off? Are there certain areas that are too demanding and […]
Our national Public Health Week is recognized from April 6th through April 12th this year.  Public health can include our physical health, mental health, education, housing, violence prevention and more.  One of the hot topics of public health and a subject frequently in the news, is our environmental health.  Our environment can in turn affect […]
Criticism is not everyone’s favorite topic.  Whether it is constructive or unfair, criticism can be a hard pill to swallow.  Criticism can be hard to hear and accept because it involves negative aspects about ourselves.  However, the fact of the matter, is that everyone experiences criticism at some point in their life.  Knowing that criticism […]
The month of April starts with the nationally celebrated April Fool’s Day.  Did you know that the entire month is dedicated to bringing awareness about humor?  Humor can bring laughter and happiness to people.  It is also something that is universal across all groups of people and across all languages.  One of the great things […]
Spring cleaning originally started in regions where the winter months brought dirt and dust from warming fireplaces and closed doors.  Once the fires were not needed, the house could be opened and cleaned out for the spring and summer months.  Spring cleaning is still a tradition today, despite many of us not owning fireplaces.  It […]

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