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Clinical Instructors

Inquiring RN’s

Interested in receiving more information about becoming a clinical instructor? Please fill out this form: Click Here

Questions regarding instructors, facilities, setting up courses, and any other questions:

Please contact Melanie: melanie@wecareonlineclasses.com

State Specific Clinical Instructor Information

Clinical check off sheet –Idaho Skills Checklist

National Council of State Boards of Nursing model curriculum – NCSBN Curriculum

Skills lab guidelines – Skills Lab Clinical

For more information:

Colleen Villa, Director


Kayla Neitzel, Instructor



For CNA, CMA, CNA Refresher, and PNA:

Click here: Clinical Instructor Information

Coming Soon

Students are required to register through an LTC facility. Please notify colleen@wecareonlineclasses.com with questions regarding the Medication Aide II training.

Medication Aide: The information page from the state is at this link: Medication Aide (ne.gov). Following successful completion of the 4 week online 40 hr program, a student may then complete skills training to be proficient in the 10 competencies found in the regulations. (Testing competencies starts on page 2( TITLE 172 (nebraska.gov) ). The written exam for the state must be acquired through one of three entities on the state website. Those results along with the emailed class grades, your clinical skills check, and the 2 page application of which the online instructor must sign page 2 verifying the class is 40 hrs are all required with the $18 registration fee to be reviewed and accepted by the state to be placed on the registry.

Nurse Aide: Facility must be approved by the Board of Nursing to hold a class. A verification form must be submitted for each student at least 5 days prior to starting a class (South Dakota Board of Nursing – SD Dept. of Health) The enrolled student must complete Unit 1 with 16 hours of content.  Once this is verified, the enrolling facility will receive a Unit 1 Complete email from the online instructor.  The facility may opt to begin clinical skills after receipt of that email or after the student has successfully completed the online portion in its entirety.  An online grade sheet will be issued to the facility contact upon completion. This grade sheet is necessary to complete the state application per student.

Medication Aide: Requirements and instructions are found on the SD BON website ( MATPApproval – SD Dept. of Health).  The primary RN instructor is the facility instructor.  They must submit an initial application a week prior to starting the first class at the facility. (Medication Administration Training Program Application for Unlicensed Assistive Personnel in Accordance with ARSD 20:48:04). Renewal must occur by April 30th of even years. Instructors of the lab/clinical portion of the course must be licensed RNs or LPNs with a minimum of 2 years clinical experience. Instructors must be onsite and in the immediate area of the student to directly observe the student’s performance.

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