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Tips to Staying Competitive in Today’s Job Market

Job Market
Job Market

Job market trends can be uncertain and the competitive rates are ever changing in the workplace. However, what you can control is your readiness and adaptability to standing out amongst your peers. Here are a few ways you can stay competitive in today’s job market:

  1. Showcase your leadership skills. Employers want to see leadership skills in you as well as your potential to grow. Work on obtaining or increasing your leadership skills.
  2. Take on new roles within your position. Don’t allow yourself to become stuck in a rut within your job. Look for new ways to take on responsibility and ways you can increase your knowledge.
  3. Keep up with trends within your fields. If you stay on track with the trends within your field, including reading and researching, it will be easier for you to take on a new path and stay ahead of the game.
  4. Increase your cultural competency skills. Employers also want to see your cultural competency and this can be obtain through trainings and hands on experience.
  5. Evaluate your interests and disinterests. Learning what you are passionate about and what areas you might not enjoy will help you to modify your career goals. Employers are interested in finding employees who are happy with the work they do.

For more information on the current job market and tips, check out the Forbes website article here:

https://www.forbes.com/sites/karadennison/2024/01/12/the-job-seekers-guide- to-2024s-job-market/?sh=59e0de0654d7

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