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5 Habits To Have A Clean Home

clean house

Keeping up a clean home can seem impossible when you have a lot going on, are gone frequently, or have people around to mess it up! Regardless of your situation, there are daily habits that you can practice to maintain a clean home. Sometimes all it takes to form clean habits is to set the stage each day with a couple routine cleaning habits. Some cleaning habits can take just a couple of minutes to complete. Of course any amount of deep cleaning and clearing out can also help to keep you on track. Once you establish a few cleaning habits you will find that they are easy to maintain and the reward of having a clean home is worth it.

Here are 5 habits you can incorporate each day to have a clean home:

  1. Put dishes away and clean them right after use. Don’t let them linger on your counter or sink.
  2. Regularly dust and vacuum your home.
  3. Make your bed when you get out of it in the morning.
  4. Put your coat, shoes, purse away and don’t leave them cluttered by the door or on the counter. Make a spot for them and return them there each time.
  5. Keep up with your laundry instead of waiting for it to pile up.

Try one or all of these out and see if they make a difference in keeping your home clean! Do you have any cleaning habits that you rely on to help keep your home clean?

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